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Commends President Abbas on the performance of the Olympic Order in front of Jordan and Palestine with recalls the beginnings of World Cup
Ashraf Matar wrote:
President Mahmoud Abbas met in the presidential headquarters in Ramallah Mission Olympic team, before heading to China to participate in the Guangzhou Asian Games next month, in the presence of Major-General Jibril Rajoub, President of Olympic Committee, President of the Football Association.
He praised President Mahmoud Abbas in his speech to the players performance by the Olympic team in front of his brother, Jordan, pointing out that he was happy as he watched the meeting and enjoying the performance of the players and the spirit high and their determination to win the national team of siblings, although this was not taken into account as if it were to meet brothers and brotherhood.
President Abbas and urged the players and their sport on the need to focus more on the sport as they, said gathering the people and about young people from other casinos, calling for them at the same time to leave politics to the politicians.
He commended President Abbas for the great effort that his brigade Rajoub for the Advancement of sport movement and Palestinian push forward, pointing out that what is happening and going on the mobility of athletes confirms to the world how much we are a great people, worthy of life and independence and the establishment of a Palestinian state and Jerusalem as its capital.
The president said: "Major General Rajoub revived the sports movement after it had been in a coma, so I emphasize that we will continue to make more effort in order to support the establishment of infrastructure, sports in all Palestinian towns and villages, because what we're seeing the rise of reality is a matter of pride.
He praised the effort coach of the Tunisian Olympic team captain selected Tlili, pointing out that the Palestinian people lived in the most beautiful days under the generous hospitality by the late President Bourguiba and the current President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.
The President wished the players every success in the next Asian maturity, and stressed the full support of sport and specifically the Palestinian Football Association.
The president recalled his memories with the Palestinian sports, specifically 1934, when he played the national qualifier in the World Cup and faced his brother, the Egyptian team which reached the finals at the expense of the Palestinian team, adding that the ball Palestinian was full of stars who have invaded the stadiums Arabic, so we hope to find many of the stars of current periodicals and the State Championships.
Said Rajoub told President Abbas that the Football Association is now working on a project related to marketing and publicity players.
He explained that the Olympic team is the current first team that achieves a victory over the Palestinian territory and the center of their audiences, so we hope to return us to similar achievements in the Guangzhou Asian Games.
He also briefed the President of the Football Federation President on the decision to choose a colleague, Hussein Alyan, president of the Association of sports journalists in Palestine, pointing out that the family was the first sports to work and harmony away from the political pressure.
For his part, thanked the Captain selected Tlili President for the warm reception, and stressed that the current Olympic team coach is the future for the Palestinian football, promising him to make the maximum effort possible in order to continue the journey to raise the banner of Palestine at the top of the summits.
He promised Tlili President Musharraf made a presentation of the ball in the Palestinian entitlement to the next Asian Jordan and North and South Korea.
He thanked Rafat Ayad, President Olympic team captain for the reception and stressed that the players will do everything they can to please the Palestinian people as Osaadnah superiority over the brotherly Jordanian team by winning it two straight

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